Calendar 2024
Jaroslav Kerles' new desk calendar for 2024 is already on sale.
22.10.2023Virtuální výstava Jaroslava Kerlese
Prohlédněte si virtuální výstavu Jaroslava Kerlese
14.03.2021The miracle vaccine is here !!!
The best vaccine for everything is HUMOR. You can find its proper dose in a practical package in the book JAROSLAV KERLES VELKÁ KNIHA VTIPU. The ideal Christmas gift. Available online - even without a prescription.
12.11.2020Guided tour of the exhibition in Třeboň
If you want to know more about the work and life of Jaroslav Kerles, visit the guided tour of the Třeboň exhibition Humor is a Serious Thing on February 8, 2020 at 2 pm at Štěpánek Netolický's House, where you will meet members of the author's family and other interesting guests.
23.01.2020Exhibition in Třeboň opened
The exhibition Humor is a serious thing in the Štěpánka Netolický House in Třeboň was officially opened on Thursday 12.12. Cartoon jokes, illustrations, bedtime sketches and much more from Jaroslav Kerles's collective work. You can visit the exhibition until 9.2.2020. For visitors of the exhibition is prepared a gift - in the gallery get a special coupon for a significant discount when ordering a book of wit Jaroslav Kerles at the Grada publishing house !!!
13.12.2019Exhibition in Třeboň in the Dům Štěpánka Netolického
The celebrations of Jaroslav Kerles' 80th birthday will culminate with an exhibition in Třeboň in the Dům Štěpánka Netolického , which takes place from 13.12.2019 to 9.2.2020.
28.11.201980th anniversary of the birth of Jaroslav Kerles
On November 3, 2019 we celebrated the 80th anniversary of the birth of Jaroslav Kerles
04.11.2019We are on facebook
We are also on facebook, so share, like, comment ...
23.10.2019Big book of Jaroslav Kerles´s cartoons
You will find the largest selection of the author's cartoons in the book published on October 9, 2019. It is available for purchase at all good booksellers.
30.09.2019New calendar for 2020 already on sale
Nový kalendář na rok 2020 z vydavatelství a tiskárny pana Rudolfa Tesaře již v prodeji.